
Our spacious, bright and colorful school building is located in Zuilenstein, a neighbourhood in Nieuwegein. Located in the middle of one of the beautiful Nieuwegein parks, we create a wonderful learning and playing environment.

At De Toonladder we work with an enthusiastic and passionate team. We strive to provide good education and a safe environment for our students. At our school all children are welcome!

We work with a continuous schedule, which means: 8:30 am to 2:00 pm / monday to friday. All children eat their lunch at school.

If you would like more information or would like an introductory visit/tour of our school (without obligation), please contact us. Our school office hours are 8:00 am to 4:30 pm.

Missie en visie

Als openbare school zijn wij gericht op de samenleving als geheel.

Het team

Op De Toonladder werken wij met een enthousiast en bevlogen team aan goed onderwijs en een veilige omgeving voor onze leerlingen.


Wat maakt De Toonladder nu zo uniek volgens de ouders van leerlingen?